Awi's Elshadai Center
Awi Elshadai Training and Settlement/Family Integration Center
Training and Rehabilitation
Street children in Addis Ababa that mostly migrated from the Amhara region and were involved in drug abuse and violence were admitted to Awi Training and Settlement Center located in the Amhara state. They were given awareness about the services offered by the Center, the duration of their training, the types of training they take, the conditions at which they are expected to work. Many of them voluntarily admitted themselves to the center. They have been given a comprehensive health check and have been treated for any medical condition.
Upon entering the center, the young people received deep life skills training, rehabilitated their social life, built up their psychological strength, and freed themselves from their addiction. This life skills training has enabled them to become visionary, develop comprehensive behavioral, emotional, and behavioral changes, develop self-esteem, decision-making, communication, goal-setting and problem-solving skills and increase their motivations.
Skills in job creation and management skills; business planning; small business earning skills and income generating skills were also provided. After taking these job and management skills training, trainees received certification and received support in getting employment and business opportunities upon leaving.
. Integrating with family/guardians
Street children in Addis Ababa, Adama, Mojo, Bishoftu, Gondar, Bahir Dar and other cities of Amhara region, in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs, Amhara Regional State Bureau of Women and Children and law enforcement, have been boarded into the Awi Center for rehabilitation services.
The children, in their stay, rehabilitated their social life, built up their psychological strength, and freed themselves from their addiction. This life skills training has enabled them to develop comprehensive behavioral, emotional, and behavioral changes, develop self-esteem, communication, better conflict resolution and problem-solving skills and increase their motivations.
The Awi center staff of the center collected the children’s personal information and sent it to the Amhara stste Ministry of Women’s and Children’s Affairs, where the children were reunited with their families based on the information.